Vienna Angelika
JoinedTopics Started by Vienna Angelika
What Armageddon is the book of Revelation refering to?
by Vienna Angelika insomeone asked me what revelation was talking about when it mentions armageddon.
if it's not like witnesses say, then what is it, and when?
i would really appreciate some info on this as i have not seen too much on this subject..
Did your congregation have a "Pioneer Appreciation Day"?
by Coffee House Girl inmy mom (who is now a regular pioneer) has been laid up after having major surgery, and i assert my "biblical" rights as a daughter to do what i can to take care of her, so i have been trying to go to her house on my day off to vaccum and run errands for her since she is not supposed to drive.. she called me last saturday to tell me that i couldn't come by because she was driving to her pioneer appreciation day get-together, wtf .
i'm just curious if this only happens in my area (michigan, us)????.
chg. .
Evolution is Crap, there I said it!
by Crazyguy inok i started another thread and every one jumped on me because i was trying to take the theory of evolution out of the mix and most here seem to believe in it so i will just say it.
the theory of major evolution is crap!
the theory is falling apart.
preaching work?
by Crazyguy inwe as jw's have always been told by the gb that the preaching work is paramount, they imply that if your not preaching that your not going to make it to the kingdom.
so what scriptures do they use for this idea?
the only one i can think of is the one in matt.
AWAA just renamed its self really really check the website
by trujw injust checked and congrats all for the new name.
My Experience at the Safeguard Your Conscience Special Assembly Day
by Vienna Angelika inso i have some interesting news about the special assembly day.
normally at the assembly, my parents pay close attention and take turns taking notes.
then after the program, they enjoy socializing for some time.
How IGNORANT can you be and still be a Jehovah's Witness in GOOD standing?
by Terry inas i have said many times, i did not really study jw teachings in depth until i went to prison.. i had a period from 1959 to 1967 when i---sort of----could explain things to a shallow depth.
once i entered that profound place in my head (while in federal prison) when everything got serious.....i entered a secret room, so to speak, where.
all the mysteries were hidden!.
All my JW friends dont like me.
by Vienna Angelika inthey keep pretending to be my friend, and then i get word that they actually hate me.
they have even slandered and said i not worthy to talk to.
then of course, there are the rumours... needless to say, i am pretty depressed..
I found out a JW friend of mine has an addiction to torturing animals!
by Vienna Angelika inlast night i found out a close jw friend of mine takes delight in watching animal torture.
i am an animal lover, and i dont know what to think.
i dont want to end our friendship because this friend has been very accepting of me.
New member says hey
by jay dubless ini have lurked now and then, just decided to join.. my older brother and i were raised by our jw mom, but our dad was a non-practicing catholic.
so we went to the hall, but were considered "weak" witnesses, since our family still celebrated xmas and birthdays, to appease my dad i suppose.
as a kid, i loved these holidays.. anyways, when my brother was 17 (i was 13), he spent a few weeks with our cousins in ky, who are all gung-ho j-dubs, and upon his return, he decided he was going to be more "theocratic".